History Society
                                                                            Clifton School

Below is a sample of the CONTENTS PAGES of one of the newly-created files,

 viz:  (ii)  CLIFTON SCHOOL


Material collected by John Needham, although there is no specific reference as to where the School Log books are deposited.

Stafford Record Office (see Sources File) D. 3825/1/162-167; 1903-1971, includes several papers relating to the School.

1865-1904                One hand written sheet by John Needham on the BRISCOE FAMILY extracted from School Log Book I, 1865-1904.


1867                                   One photocopied sheet of the PYE’S relationship with the School


1874-1920                         Two photocopied photos of C.H.BROWNE, Headmaster, who compiled most of the log books.

                                            John Needham has copied. One also of the schoolroom.


1874-1909                         Eight handwritten sheets of pupils’ names and their home village/town.


1880-1904                         Ten handwritten sheets by John Needham from Log Book 1.


1883-1916                         Two handwritten sheets by John Needham from Log Books 1 and 2 relating to his family, The CARTERS.


Circa. 1905-mid 1930’s      Twenty nine-thirty handwritten sheets from Log Book 2 extracted by John Needham.




Cross- Reference       )       Clifton School “Old Scholars Fund” initiated and collected by Mr. C.H.BROWNE, Master of Clifton School since 1874.

See File                    )       Three photocopied sheets of old scholars’ names and their contributions.

St.Andrew’s Church   )       Two photocopies of letters sent by Mr. Browne to old scholars dated  November 1909 and 1st December 1909.               


There is a reference to the above at Stafford Record Office, D. 3825/1/162-7, as well as further details about the School.