Clifton Campville - 30 August, 2021 - what a historic day!
We revealed our historic Village Hall after 2 years of renovations (we
started packing up the old Village Hall in August 2019!) making it now
“Fit for Purpose”, for many more years to come. The transformation is
truly amazing – where did all that space come from?
The event we chose was the ‘Grand Reopening’ of the Community Coffee
The crowd gathered in anticipation. The excitement rose as Pat Moore
(Chair) thanked the Committee members & Trustees (past & present) for
all their hard work. None of this would have been possible without the
tireless fundraising by the Trustees. Plus, grants obtained from 3
major funding bodies but also, the generous giving by our villagers and
supporters. All this culminating in this momentous day - especially as
it was achieved during a pandemic!
The Ribbon Cutting ceremony followed, with a ‘Village Celebrity’ (Dee
Littleford - the oldest Cliftonian) thanking everyone who has helped to
make this transformation happen, for us and future generations. She
also paid tribute to the valued village residents we’ve lost, over those
2 years. Judging by the level of noise & chatter as villagers met up
again with neighbours & friends, it was well worth the wait for such
comfortable surroundings. Keep watching the video (link below) to see
our lovely hall coming alive again, as residents flocked inside for a
drink and scrumptious cakes. Well done one and all – and here’s to the
next chapter of Clifton Campville Village Hall!
Thank you to Vaughan Taylor - our ‘Official Photographer’ of the day -
who did a fantastic job of capturing this historic event – check out the
video he took by 'copying & pasting' this YouTube link in a web browser:
30 AUGUST 2021 -
I know this is what you've all been waiting for!! The "Clifton Campville
Village Hall Committee" cordially invites you to the Coffee Shop Grand
Re-opening in our beautifully refurbished Village Hall.
As you can see from the photos, it was another bumper day at the
‘Coffee Shop’ Bacon Monday - yesterday. At one point, standing room
If you’ve not been to our temporary home at Haunton Church Hall yet,
don’t forget we are there every Monday (9-12) – so why not grab a
friend and come & join the ‘Coffee Shoppers’!
And remember - Bacon Monday is the 1st Monday of EVERY month!
Coffee Shop ARMISTICE DAY 2019 at Haunton Church Hall
The Church Hall was filled with emotion on Monday - 11 November
Armistice Day at 11am as Dee kindly recited a
poignant poem (written by her late husband) to another full-house, which
fell silent to honour the War Dead
and listen to ‘The Last Post’. Lest We Forget.
If you have not visited us at our temporary home at Haunton Church Hall
(9-12) every Monday - then grab a friend & pop along.
The Bacon Rolls (first Monday of every month) are proving a huge hit,
even pulling in people from surrounding villages.
Together with the wide variety of coffees & other drinks, delicious
cakes, crumpets and teacakes, it is growing very popular indeed.
See you soon!
Yes, it’s that time of year when our thoughts start to turn to the
Country Fair and a ‘Call to Arms’ shouted from the marquee roofs.
This year the village Community Coffee Shop, is running the Cake Stall
at the Country Fair. In the main, our Star Bakers for the Coffee Shop,
plus a few others, have already volunteered to make & donate a wide
selection of cakes, which is marvellous and we thank you all. If anyone
else wants to make a cake it will be gratefully received - ideally Pat
Moore would love to know ahead of the day so that she can plan (see
contact details below).
We also want to ensure that all of the servers of crepes, drinks, ice
creams, cakes and sandwiches have enough time to enjoy the Country Fair
too. We already have a good number of volunteers but do need more ,
ideally for 2 hour slots. However, if you can only give 1 hour of your
time that would be greatly appreciated too. It would also be great to
see some younger people (over 14) help in some way -so please volunteer
and get involved in your village Country Fair, you won’t regret it!
If we all pitch in and share the load we can all help to make it a
fantastic day. If you can help please either call or text Pat on 07914
377234 or email her at She’s waiting for your call – so come on,
become a member of our Country Fair Gang & contact her now!
The Community Coffee Shop - every
Monday 9 'til 12
The Bacon Rolls (first Monday of every month) are
proving a huge hit, even pulling
in people from surrounding villages.
Together with the wide variety of coffees and other drinks, delicious cakes,
crumpets and teacakes, it is growing very popular indeed.
Why not pop in for a chat, check-out the local produce (eggs, chutney,
onions, etc.) - and maybe find something interesting on our
bric-a-brac table.
Please note - New cake-makers & volunteers are always welcome; if interested
please contact Pat Moore, Sue Wadham or send an email to
Christmas comes to the Coffee Shop
Website produced and maintained by John E