The main fundraising event the Trust has
every year is the Country Fair, held each year in June. This provides funds
for the maintenance and improvements to the green. In 2018, we were
fortunate enough to be granted money from South Staffs Water's environment
fund towards the planting of a fruit and nut grove. This has now already
been planted on the green, alongside the church hedge. It is hoped that in
years to come, it will provide a variety of fruits and nuts for both
wildlife and residents of Clifton Campville to enjoy.
The trees consist of a variegated Sweet
Chestnut tree, a Crab-apple, a Pear tree, an Apple tree, a Muggler tree, (an
ancient local variety of apple, very tasty, but don't look too much like
Apples!!). Almonds, Filbert nuts and a Walnut tree. The trees were chosen to
give both a visual as well as a useful boost to the green.
As the green continues to thrive, the Trust are looking at expanding our fundraising events. To this end, a
sub- committee has been set up to look at
new activities to be held on the green, some fundraising for everybody, some
not, for locals and their guests. If anyone has any ideas for these events,
please contact one of the trustees.