Map Collection

John Needham’s MAP COLLECTION includes some hand-drawn from the originals and many photocopies.  John Needham added many side notes/comments.



PHOTOCOPY  1250   -   ENGLAND  by Matthew Paris


PHOTOCOPY  circa. 1607 – 1610  KIP’S,  Staffordshire


PHOTOCOPY 1620   -  JOHN SPEED’s  Staffordshire. 


Hand-drawn and coloured map of Clifton Campville according to John Needham’s interpretation of a walk, described in PYE’s  ‘Story of Clifton Campville,’….into Haunton reckoned to pre-date Pye

i.e. 1701 and a copy without colour.


PHOTOCOPY 1724  HERMANN MOLL’s Staffordshire and a smaller photocopy.


PHOTOCOPIES ( 3 ) 1798 WILLIAM YATES, Staffordshire and one hand-drawn (in colour) and two photocopies detail of Clifton Campville area.


Considerable collection in one brown folder:

 Robert H. Wyatt circa 1810 (EM 1336 Sheffield Record Office)


PHOTOCOPIES    (3) of large maps


PHOTOCOPIES   of small detail Clifton Campville based on hand-drawn MAP and NOTES by John Needham.


One large hand-drawn and coloured map of Clifton Campville and area 1810 by John Needham.   Accompanying notes on village inhabitants and holdings.


THREE PHOTOCOPIES OF JOHN NEEDHAM’s hand-drawn map – 1811 HAUNTON (EM 1335)   Sheffield Record Office.


Reference to Stafford Record Office also noted by John Needham.


c. 1814  hand-drawn and coloured Clifton Campville map by John Needham, with photocopy – source not identified.


c. 1820  photocopied section of Staffordshire map by W. Fowler and C. Greenwood


1837-38   Tithe map for Clifton Campville and Haunton in sections – photocopied.  5.


            Three photographs of Clifton Campville Rent Apportionment and map.


            John Needham’s notes on plot holdings (1822, 1837-8, reference to 1823 –     EM. 1423)


             John Needham and K. Smith (Alabama U.S.A.) series of maps 1810-1837-8,

             Notes/ correspondence, five pages


            John Needham’s sketch map of land (plot holders EM 1367)


           John Needham five hand-drawn/coloured maps …,  insets of Clifton Campville and notes and two small photocopies Haunton.

           (EM papers at Sheffield City Archives.  Several maps at Stafford Record Office)            


                 A.3 photocopies of all landowners, occupiers, etc.


                 Total of 37 sheets, with hand written top sheet of meeting.


                 See also the MANOR/CLIFTON HALL files  re/Correspondence


1840-50   STAFFORDSHIRE  (LEWIS  topography dictionary) photocopy


1831-73    OFFLOW HUNDRED, according to John Needham, Ordnance Survey  MAP, photocopy.


1881          John Needham hand-drawn large scale map of Clifton Campville with named properties.

                 Detail of holdings and inhabitants from 1881 Census and two smaller photocopies (includes notes comparing

                 householders  with 1905, i.e. Sale of Pye Estate)


1882          Photcopy of area

                   Eight smaller inset maps of parts of Clifton Campville and Haunton – Two  hand-drawn and coloured  -  Six photocopies


1891          Two A4 photocopies of Clifton Campville drawn originally by John Needham from 1891 Census.


1905         Collection of maps prior to SALE OF PYE  ESTATE, including many handwritten

                  notes by John Needham.

                  (Two hand-drawn A4 size by John Needham of Village – photocopies) based

                  on larger photocopy (coloured by John Needham)  Plan No. 2 Sale *

                  One very large copy of SALE OF ESTATE map and nine smaller photocopied sections of ESTATE Map.   (Plan No. 2

                  identified on large-scale map).     


1928       Large-scale hand-drawn map by John Needham and two A.4 copies

1971       THORPE CONSTANTINE:  Brook Course Improvement Scheme

             Copy (partly coloured) from Staffordshire County Council.