Local Families


John Needham wrote ‘potted’ trees largely 19th century of several of Clifton Campville / Haunton families on small cards pasted together:  (numbers indicate number of cards)


            Ashby                                                                       Bancroft

            Johnson 1 + 2                                                           Baker

            Kirkman 1+2                                                              Badkin

            Lunn   1+2+3                                                              Brown  

            Miles   1+2+3                                                            Brookes

            Moakes                                                                     Hughes

            Mould                                                                       Blood

                                                                                             (2 + 3+4 & separate pack)

            Millor   1+2                                                               Bircher

            Mumford                                                                  Booth

            Mousley  * (see also 2 separate sheets)                  Blay

            Nicholts  1+2+3+4                                                    Clarke

            Orton                                                                       Carter 1+2+3

                                                                                                                                                                                                   (see separate yellow folder)

            Payne 1+2+3                                                                          

            Quimby                                                                    Evans

            Radford                                                                   Earp

            Riley  1+2                                                                 Coton

            Rea                                                                          Fairfield         

            Stevenson                                                               Ferve

            Sidwells  (1,2,3,4,5 – see also                                 Fitchett

                              separate blue folder                              Greenwood   

                              “Ace Copying”).                                      Gates

            Stretton                                                                  Hanson

            Spencer 1,2,3,4                                                       Hassall 1+2

            Smith 1,2,3,4,5,6, 7 +  8                                          Heafield 1+2+3

            Stratton 1 + 2                                                          Haywood

            Taft                                                                         Heap

            Taylor                                                                      Heath 1,2,3,+4+5+6

            Tebbitt                                                                    Hill      

            Thompson                                                                Hinds 1 + 2

            Towers                                                                    Whateley

            Thorpe  1,2,3 + 4                                                     Wilton

                                                                                            Ward 1,2,34,+4

                                                                                                                                                                          (+separate pack in plastic folder)





There are also 28 handwritten sheets which largely repeat the cards.


Some families on John’s potted card trees are further researched

                        see * and added  note   eg.


1678-1733    MOUSELEY   (Staffordshire Record Office)  (see also CARDS)


*  1663 ---  Mid 20th century     *   CARTER -  (John Needham’s maternal family)

                        (see also CARDS)  (a considerable pack in yellow folder)

                     *  Related  by marriage to most local families *


Circa    1580 --  late 19th century.  STATHAM

                         -  19 cards – 2 flimsy sheets            


Circa   1774 -- 20th century.  SIDDALLS/SIDDWELLS

                         Bluefolder “Ace Copying”

                                                             (see also CARDS)                                                        


Circa  1843 --  20th century  BLOOD

                           Several handwritten sheets and some correspondence

                                    (see also CARDS)


      19th century and 20th century  NEEDHAM

                                     2 Photocopied sheets


      Circa 1750 ---- 19th century   WARD 


                                    1 photocopied tree + 1 handwritten tree + 3 handwritten sheets   (See also CARDS)




            1544/5            THOMAS WAGSTAFFE 

                                    (photocopies and John Needham’s notes)             EM 1476/77


            1555/6                        ROBERT BOSTOCK

                                    (photocopy Lichfield Record Office)


            1578                ALICE WAGSTAFFE

                                    One handwritten sheet and several sheets compiled by John

                                    Needham sellotaped together.  EM  1330 


            1647                WILLIAM SPARE

                                     One poor photocopy and one reasonable + John Needham’s

                                     notes – 3 pages Lichfield Record Office).  

Please note that the History Society does not have the resources to deal with any enquiries with regard to ancestral research.