Parish Council Minutes for meeting 12th March 2013






Present:           Cllr. Bennion               Cllr. Lodge                 

Cllr. Bostock               Cllr. Pugh (Chairman)

Cllr. Jervis                   Cllr. Tongue


In attendance: Mrs H Elliott (Clerk), PC Richard Allsopp & 3 Members of the public


1.         APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Cllr. Bryan & Cllr. Leedham




Cllr. Bostock declared an interest in any discussions regarding the allotments & Cllr. Bennion declared an interest in the planning application at Hogs Hill, Haunton for two wind turbines.




These were circulated prior to the meeting, taken as read and signed as a true record.


A copy of the minutes will be sent to John Bainbridge to put on the village web site.




The Chairman reported that Cllr. Bryan still needs to arrange a meeting with Ron James regarding the allotment tenancy agreement.

The pothole adjacent to Rose Cottage, Clifton Lane has been filled in but is an ongoing problem.

The work on Thorpe Lane to minimise the flooding has not been started yet.  The Clerk was asked to check with Highways when this work is scheduled to be completed.


5.         ADOPTION OF:


a)         CODE OF PRACTICE FOR HANDLING COMPLAINTS – Cllr. Lodge proposed that the Parish Council adopts the code of practice for handling complaints and Cllr. Bostock seconded the proposal.


b)         STANDING ORDERS – The Parish Council agreed to change the quorum to 50%, Cllr. Lodge proposed that they adopt the standing orders with that change and Cllr. Bennion seconded the proposal.


c)         FINANCIAL REGULATIONS – Cllr. Jervis proposed that the Parish Council adopt the Financial Regulations and Cllr. Tongue seconded the proposal.


d)         REVIEW RISK REGISTER – Cllr. Lodge proposed that the Parish Council adopt the Risk Register and Cllr. Tongue seconded the proposal.


6.         LOCALISM – The Parish Council agreed to ask if someone can come out from Lichfield District Council to discuss localism.


7.         PARISH PLAN – Cllr. Jervis proposed that the Parish Council adopt the Parish Plan, suggested actions and Cllr. Lodge seconded the proposal.  It was suggested that a copy be put on the village

web site and that the Parish Council (for Parish Council use only) draws up a program of timescales for the actions to be done at the next Parish Council meeting.


8.         CORRESPONDENCE (see page 5)



a)         Community Paths Initiative – Bids for 2013/2014 – It was suggested that some work needs to be done along the footpath running adjacent to
            the Old Post Office, Chestnut Lane.  Also a handrail is needed to the steps leading up to this path.  The Chairman said he would go and have a
            look at the path before the Parish Council puts in a bid for funding.



a)         Community Parish Recycling Scheme  - Ask for a brief presentation to be made by the Community Council of Staffs at the next Parish
            Council meeting.

b)         Warwickshire Waste Core Strategy ‘Proposed Modifications’ Consultation 1 March 2013 – 19 April 2013

c)         Coneyberry Millennium Green thank you for donation

d)         Fr Sean f. Turley thank you for donation

e)         St Andrews Church thank you for donation

f)         Bromford reply to Parish Councils letter

g)         SASA thank you for donation

h)         Claire Hines will be attending the next Parish Council meeting to make a presentation on the Haunton Conservation Area Appraisal.

i)          Julie Bullous, Headteacher at Clifton School had sent a letter of support for the Parish Council to ask Highways to install permanent SID
            signs outside the school.  The Clerk will write to Helen Portman.

j)          Letter from Pam Patchett re having to cancel the litterpick as not being able to borrow the usual road warning signs.  The Parish Council
            agreed to look at purchasing some signs and to help with other aspects of organising the event.



a)         11/01074/FUL, Cleat Hill Farm, Syerscote Lane, Haunton – amendments/additional information – Refused at planning meeting on 11th March 2013

b)         13/00123/COU, The Yews, Main Road, Haunton - Conversion of redundant farm buildings to holiday let – No objections

c)         12/00078/FULM, Land at Hogs Hill, Off Main Road and Syerscote Lane Haunton - Erection of two wind turbines 

d)         13/00241/FUL, Field House, 131 Main Street, Clifton Campville – Erection of a 3 bedroom detached dwelling (amendments to applications 04/000931 & 04/01269/FUL) – Letter sent objecting to proposal.

e)         13/00256/LBC, 2 Thorpegorse Cottages, Ashby Road, Tamworth – Replacement doors and windows including porch to front – No objections



a)         12/01231/FUL – Coneyberry Millennium Green, Installation of play equipment

b)         12/01041/FUL – Elm View, Syerscote Lane, Haunton – Demolition of existing outbuilding and erection of a two storey extension









a)         12/01212/FUL – Mr D Smith - Field House, 131 Main Street, Clifton Campville - Erection of a 3 bedroom detached dwelling (amendments to original plans)

b)         12/00914/COU, Glebe House, Thorpe Lane, Tamworth – Conversion and extension of existing stable block into residential dwelling


10.       FINANCE (As per attached transaction sheet)

            a)         Sign Clerks expenses – The Chairman signed the Clerks expenses

b)         The Parish Council had received a cheque from SNAP (Say No And Protest) for the sum of £2155.00 this was towards the cost of employing a consultant (RSK Environment Ltd) to prepare an objection document for the proposed Hogs Hill Wind Farm planning application.



Cllr. Jervis – Asked if the Highways ‘Report It’ information could be put in the next Newsletter and the Mease Valley News.  Also he reported that there has been some parking on pavement in Haunton.  Richard Allsop said that he would go and speak to the residents involved.  The judges from the BKV competition had mentioned in their comments last year that the notice board in Haunton was in need of a refurbishment.  The Clerk was asked to gets quotes from John West and Gary Chadbourne.                                                     

Cllr. Bostock – Reported that the new residents that live on the corner of Lullington Road  had parked a vehicle very close to the junction of the mini roundabout.  Richard Allsop said that he would go and speak to them.  Could a letter of thanks be sent to Julie and Martin Smale who regularly go collecting litter along the verges. There are two potholes just over the bridge in Lullington Road and the bridge still needs repairing.                   

Cllr. Tongue – Energy Surveys are now taking place.  Also is there a requirement for residents to put their dustbins away on the same day that they are emptied, as some are left out for longer and look untidy. 

Cllr. Leedham – Reported via the Chairman that the bridge on bridle path number one is now broken.

Cllr. Pugh – Reported that the flooding on the Ashby Road is due to a blocked pipe.  Also that Bob Patchett is retiring from the position of Church Warden this year, the Chairman thanked him on behalf of the Parish Council for all his hard work. 

The vacancy for a Parish Councillor is still being advertised.


12.       MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC – Nothing to report


13.       DATE OF NEXT MEETING & AGM - 7th May 2013 at 8pm


            There being no further business, the meeting closed at 9.50pm