Play Equipment Fund  Raising

If you would like to raise money for improvements to our play equipment when you shop on-line you can do this by following the link below.                               

It's very simple - just visit  to register and shop with over 2000 well known retailers like Amazon, Argos, M&S, eBay and many more. Whenever you buy something, the retailer makes a donation to Clifton Campville Playground Fund - Tamworth.
They've helped other causes raise over £2,000,000 so it really does work.

We would be really grateful if you could use easyfundraising too. It won't cost you a penny extra to shop through easyfundraising and you can even save money with special offers and voucher codes.

So please make a difference to Clifton Campville Playground Fund - Tamworth and take a look at easyfundraising today -

Every time you make a search we receive a small donation.  It may be small but it makes a great deal of difference to us.